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Blooming Page 16
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Page 16
Todd nodded and wished he felt free to confide in his father all of what he’d learned from Jen, but he didn’t think she wanted it common knowledge yet - maybe never would. “It’s all very new still dad - but she’s not like anybody else I’ve ever met. I think I know what I’m feeling but I have to watch not to push too hard.”
“I know what you mean, she has a fragility that kind of comes off her in waves anybody can see it but I think it’s superficial, just stick with it and see how you go.”
“That’s the plan, the trick is not to alert her to the fact I have a plan otherwise she’d be in a rowboat and halfway across the lake by now, busted ribs and cast not slowing her down for a second!”
A couple of hours later, Todd was starting to get bored and was itching to wake Jen up. He’d made plans to take her out tonight just the two of them and was just standing to go check on her, when at that same instant she stomped out of the cabin her cheeks blazing; he never could quite get over how hot she looked when she was angry.
“OK you jokers,” she yelled. “Whose bright idea was this?”
She lifted up her previously pristine white cast and waved it in the air.
Everybody jumped up to investigate but Todd got there first and when he registered the problem he threw his hands up in surrender, “It wasn’t me I promise sweetheart.”
Emblazoned in large script in black indelible marker were the words, “Property of Todd Baker” then a big red heart with an arrow through it.
Jen shot them all with a piercing gaze trying to ascertain the guilty party and Todd did likewise, although he was definitely taking more enjoyment from the situation.
Bernie laughed and said, “I’m betting it was either Marsh or Sean judging by their faces, everybody’s been back and forth all afternoon so it’s hard to say who went missing for a while, but my money’s on one of them.”
Jen looked round again, and suddenly all annoyance flew out of her as she clocked Lily’s ink smudged fingernails and realised it must have been her.
“Lily, you horror,” she said in outrage.
“It wasn’t just me,” she shrieked, “I couldn’t get the heart right so Ben had to help,” sure enough the hand Ben used to clutch his shaking chest bore red ink smears too.
He grabbed Lily’s hand and the pair of them ran off in the direction of the gym.
“You better run,” Jen yelled after them.
Marsh wiped tears off his face with the back of his hand, “I don’t know how you do it,” he said to Jen, “somehow when you’re around everything seems a bit brighter.”
Bernie hugged Jen to her and studied her arm thoughtfully, “it’s true Jen, and the difference in Lily already since you got here is amazing.”
“How can you all feel better around somebody that spends the majority of their life feeling depressed? That makes no sense whatsoever. I think Ben’s the one having an effect on Lily now, but I do seem to have been elected the brunt of everybody’s jokes,” she admitted ruefully but with a smile.
“Maybe we can use whiteout on it or something,” Todd suggested kindly.
“It’s too late,” she said, “if I try to get rid of it now that would be like trying to cover up something that’s true, wouldn’t it? I’m yours now whether you like it or not,” she waved her arm at him.
Todd glanced up and Jen stood there framed in late afternoon sunlight. She’d changed into one of Sean’s creations, an all in one jumpsuit in the same shade of dark golden brown as her hair. It was made in some kind of gorgeous soft jersey that made you want to touch, the style was cut straight across her collar bones and had cute puffed chiffon short sleeves and a little peplum at the waist. It was the closest thing to suitable boating attire that Sean would let her wear out to dinner. Wedge high heels completed the look.
He raised a hand and helped her on board. As she rocked slightly on her feet he pulled her close to him before sitting her down.
“You look beautiful,” he said, she blushed and it pleased him that she accepted the compliment without fuss.
She’d allowed Lily to do her make-up for her and she had chosen to put cherry red gloss on her lips, bronzer on her cheeks and fanned her already long eyelashes out to the sides with mascara, the combination of which made her look slightly exotic.
“Where are we going?”
“Just across the other side of the lake, to a little seafood restaurant. It’s quite small and intimate, not too overwhelming I promise.” He gave her a soft smile.
Chapter 13
Once Jen was sat comfortably he turned on the engine and powered away from the dock - his eyes barely straying from her as he steered. Unlike his previous girlfriends she couldn’t care less that the wind and spray were making her hair frizz and instead turned her face into the breeze and closed her eyes enjoying every minute.
By the time he cut the engine and tied up to the mooring outside the lakeside restaurant, he had to wipe smudged mascara from under her eyes with his thumbs. She looked up at him with amusement in her eyes.
“Are you having a good time?”
“Yes,” she said, shrieking when he surprised her by scooping her up and hopping onto the dock in one smooth move. He didn’t put her down until they were at the door. She felt like an idiot, and giggly and cherished all at the same time.
Todd put her down and stole a kiss on the lips, guiding her through the door with one of his big hands spread on the small of her back which sent tingles rocketing all through her nether regions. The now familiar Todd induced flush was spreading from her chest to her face as a tall slim man came through the door and grabbed Todd and pulled him into one of those weird male shoulder bump hugs.
“Todd good to see you man, and this must be the famous Jennifer,” he turned towards her gracing her with a big toothy grin.
“Jen this is Emilio Torres, my good friend and business partner.”
“Business Partner?”
“Todd and I co-own the restaurant; but dinner’s on me tonight, whatever you want.”
Jen was left reeling just how many pies did Todd have his fingers in?
Then Emilio startled her by leaning in close and kissing her on the cheek as he took her hand and led them to their table. Todd batted him out of the way as he attempted to pull her chair out for her, “Go perv on someone else’s chick Emil.”
Emilio laughed and kissed Jen again to her bafflement and signalled for one of his waiters to come get their drink order before drifting away.
“Does he always do that to your dates?”
“I’ve never brought a date here.”
Jen went silent as she processed whether that was significant or not.
Todd’s lips curved up in a slow sexy smile, “let’s put Mr Torres in his place.”
He leant over and took her lips in a slow deep kiss. The first brush of his lips was a nudge as his tongue requested entrance and then slid inside her willing mouth. Jen’s hand stole up to trace his jaw while her eyes flicked open, suddenly curious to see what his face looked like as he kissed her.
He seemed to have had the same idea because his green eyes now heated to pure olive met her surprised navy blues as his hand went to the back of her neck taking control with ease. His tongue stroked deeply coaxing hers into a matching rhythm, it was incredibly intimate and erotic and when he finally pulled away they were both breathless. Gently he took her hand from his face and kissed each of her fingertips.
“Dinner first, I’m determined we get through a whole date tonight,” he grumbled - his voice tight.
Jen looked towards Emilio and he smirked as he caught her eye and fanned himself with a menu.
“I have to warn you - I’ve a tendency towards obsessive compulsive behaviours. If I decide I like this whole sex thing you could be in big trouble,” she said blushing madly.
“I’m up for it baby,” he said giving her a lascivious wink, which made her drop her eyes and blush all the more harder.
They ate slowly; locally caught grilled bass served with a smooth creamy sauce and finely sliced vegetables. Everything was delicious. They talked about growing up and the more Jen revealed the more Todd began to feel insanely embarrassed about his reasonably idyllic childhood.
“When I left school I never really completed my education.”
“But I thought you said you were home schooled?”
“I was but I was struggling so much I could only manage it in short bursts, I was really messed up and I just kind of fell through the cracks. Between my own problems and trying to prop up mum, finishing school just didn’t seem possible and I was so terrified of going back there.
It’s stupid but sometimes I still have nightmares about it now. Just the fear of being trapped in a situation I couldn’t control, with people who treated me like a freak. At the time the fear was so strong I felt like I’d lost my brain, I just couldn’t seem to keep up with my schoolwork. I’d always been ahead in class before the accident - afterwards I felt like I was sinking not swimming, I just sat in class and prayed nobody noticed me.”
Todd’s hand which had been holding the fingers on her broken arm, tightened around hers and she looked up into his eyes which were filled with empathy.
“No, please don’t feel sorry for me Todd, compared to a lot of people I’ve had an ok life. I haven’t suffered like some people have. So many people have survived far worse than me either mentally or physically, I’ve always felt like I let myself down by letting it control my life. I mean look what happened to Lily and how well she’s doing? Whereas I let a simple accident that could have happened to anybody ruin my whole life. I struggled to hold down a job because I couldn’t deal with people or handle the idea that I was trapped into going there every day without end, it gave me the same kind of fear response I suffered in school. That’s why I had to find a way to work for myself.”
“Jen it’s completely different don’t compare the two of you, when the fact is everybody’s mind copes in their own unique way. It’s like apples and oranges. Lily has been the victim of a horrible trauma but she’s had a great support system her whole life, she’s had no money worries and lots of love and never had to be afraid of anything. Who knows maybe she’s lucky enough to have the innate skills to rebound better? While it sounds like you’ve coped mostly on your own even when your mom was alive.”
He leant over and kissed her briefly before continuing.
“I think you’re seriously smart. I could tell that from almost the first minute I met you. After that I went and snooped on your own website and talked to some of the people who’d left you testimonials. You might be surprised how many acquaintances of mine have contracts with you. You seem to have impressed the hell out of them too.”
Jen dropped her eyes and blushed, shaking her head awkwardly, “you shouldn’t downplay what happened to Lily.”
He shook her hand angrily, “I’m not, I would never do that - it was horrific, but don’t downplay what happened to you either. You’ve earned the right to be a bit messed up, there’s no shame in it,” he softened his grip.
“Do you think you would agree to design my website now? I don’t trust anybody else to make a good job of it.”
“I guess I could schedule you some time,” she smiled shyly with her eyes.
“You do that baby; I’m going to need lots and lots.”
Jen laughed, it secretly thrilled her every time he called her baby. Instead of being derogatory it made her feel sexy - like a hot girl.
“Thank you for tonight Todd, it means a lot being here with you, I never thought I’d be out on a date. God I know I keep saying really dumb stuff, but just being alone with you, coping in your company, that’s a big step for me.”
“You’re very welcome,” he bent and kissed her knuckles gently, “I’m looking forward to taking lots more steps with you.”
“Is it ok if we change the subject for a bit - talked about something a little less intense? I’ve been wondering how you met Seb and Sean; when they moved in or did you know them from before?”
“I knew Seb first because he was my college roommate, he’s one of those people that once he’s in your life you never want him to leave - you know? So we kept in close touch and met up from time to time and then this position at his current firm opened up and he called to let me know he was moving here, so I offered him the apartment on the spot. Unbeknownst to me, that same day my rental agent had accepted a deposit from a short, dark and demonic fashion designer.”
“How did you ever get them to agree to share?”
“I gave them each other’s email address. Seb’s so easy going I knew he’d give it a shot and luckily they got on like a house on fire and decided they’d share on a trial basis to start with.”
“So they weren’t a couple straight away?”
“No, I’ve never quizzed them specifically, but I think they tried to keep it at bay for a while, well maybe a month. They soon figured they had no trouble sharing the place and then one day without any fuss they were just a couple. They’ve been together two years now.”
“They seem really happy.”
“On the surface it seems like they shouldn’t gel but they do. Seb keeps Sean grounded and encourages him creatively. Sean’s secretly a lot like you, not very confident - he just puts on a really good act. Sean in turn doesn’t let Seb get too serious or bogged down in work, keeps him light at heart.”
“Opposites attract?”
“Like me and you,” his hand slipped from her fingers and he cupped her chin and traced her lips softly with his, the barest hint of tongue tantalised her.
Todd felt a shift in Jen’s mood, “You ok?” he asked gently.
“You are not going to believe this; people are filming us on their mobile phones!”
Their once idyllic evening went downhill from there, during dessert several diners approached them for autographs or just to say hello and Todd could feel Jen squirming with discomfort all while she gritted her teeth, pretended everything was ok and put on a smile. As soon as she could Jen got up without a word and left the restaurant.
She walked down to the dock and waited by the boat. Todd came up behind her and put one huge hand to the back of her neck and massaged, rubbing all the tension away. Her chin dropped to her chest in surrender, “I’m sorry Todd.”
“Why are you sorry? You haven’t done anything wrong.”
“I just feel I’ve spoiled the evening now, but this whole thing is so weird.”
He sighed, “Let’s get out of here, I need to kiss you and I don’t want someone filming it for posterity.”
He steered the boat away from the dock and got them about half way home before he cut the power and left the boat to drift in the middle of the calm lake.
Reaching underneath Jen’s bench seat he pulled out blankets and a couple of waterproof cushions and made up a little bed with life preservers for extra cushioning, on the floor of the boat.
Jen watched him curiously, in the next instant he was taking his jacket and tie off and unbuttoning his shirt slowly. He looked at her and wondered if she knew her lips were parted in expectation.
Her breath caught as his gorgeous chest appeared, the sight of his taut waist drew her forward in the half light to get a closer glimpse of the abdominal muscles she found so devastating.
Todd shucked out of his shoes and socks and got under the blanket, he held out a hand to her to join him, she was no sooner tucked up next to him than his mouth was on hers.
He kissed her deeply, devouring her lips and thrusting his tongue up inside her mouth, licking and sliding into every crevice until she was completely breathless, letting her up for air he ran his tongue underneath her jaw and slicked it behind her ear, sucking on the lobe softly while her fingers crept up to hold him in place at her throat.
Todd ran his hand over her abdomen and cupped her breast through her clothes, stroking her hardening nipple wi
th delicious pressure causing her to arch up into him as she panted sweetly into his hair.
A minute later he wasn’t so amused when running his hands all over her he couldn’t quite figure out how to get her clothes off.
“What the hell is this thing, you might as well have a chastity belt on.”
Jen chuckled in his ear, “Lily helped me get it on, I think I’ll have to turn over, there’s a ribbon that ties round the back of my neck.”
Todd sat upright while Jen turned onto her front and forced herself to breathe out and relax. He flipped her hair away from her back and took a deep breath in.
“Oh Jen, I think you were meant to tie your hair up when you wore this,” he said as he stroked the naked upper half of her back that had been concealed from him. He was delighted to rediscover her barely there freckles and lily white skin.
He pressed hot wet kisses lazily along her back, the blunt fingernails of one hand tracing her spine while he slowly undid the brown satin ribbon at her neck with his other; he taunted her with the ends of the ribbon using them to tickle her until she was writhing underneath him.
He surveyed his next move - it was still no clearer to him how he got her out of the blasted thing.
“Where the fuck is the zipper? I’m going to kill Sean.”
Breathing heavily Jen raised herself on her elbows, “It’s down the side here under my arm, I had to step into the legs, put my arms in the sleeves, then zip up and fasten it behind my neck, that’s why I needed Lily’s help. Now you know why I don’t bother keeping up with fashion it’s too much effort.”
His fingers went to Jen’s underarm finally finding what he was looking for and he inched it down to her waist before stopping because she’d gone so quiet.
“Have you stopped breathing Jen?”
“No I’m just concentrating on not thinking too much.”
“Oh good hang on a second,” instead of pulling the zipper the rest of the way, he slid his hand through the gap he’d made, and stole under the front of the garment and caught a handful of luscious warm naked breast.
Jen let out a shocked moan as he fondled her, flicking his thumb over her nipple and then pushing his hand further to capture her other breast, his right hand was massaging her bare back in broad sweeping circles, she gasped loudly when he pinched her nipple and then relaxed back against him giving in to it.