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Blooming Page 15

  Todd was stood bare-chested and bare footed, his face a picture of stern concentration. Light grey sweatpants were slung perilously low on his hips; he was drenched in sweat, hair plastered to his scalp. He circled the punch bag, gloves flying furiously in vicious one two’s, muscles bunching and flexing all over the place.

  As he circled back round she caught the glorious view from the rear. Broad creamy shoulders tapering down to a trim waist and slim hips, every muscle and sinew pumped and flexed, god the muscles the man had in his butt were outrageous.

  Unexpected heat spread through Jen’s loins and sizzled upwards, talk about sex on a stick. He stopped for a second and swiped his hair back with his forearm, with his back still to her he said. “You just gonna watch or you want to help me get these gloves off?”

  Busted, she cursed to herself before muttering nervously, “I guess I can help.” She approached tentatively barely resisting the urge to downright ogle him.

  Todd pulled the laces undone with his teeth and then closed the distance between them towering over her, his face was fixed, tense, but his green eyes blazed.

  Grabbing her a little roughly he shoved one gloved hand in the curve of her underarm and chest, “pull,” he demanded. Squeezing his hand she pulled backwards never looking away from his eyes and his hand came out with a pop.

  He turned his back and took his other glove off.

  “You look a bit anxious Jennifer; do you have something on your mind, feeling a little repentant perhaps?”

  “Maybe a tiny bit,” she bit her lip stifling a smirk.

  “Hmm me too – something on my mind for starters,” he paused, “I’m going to burn those fleece pyjamas.”

  She laughed, “I think Sean may have beaten you to it, I showed them to him this morning and he looked like I’d offered him a poop sandwich.”

  A laugh barked out of him but he still didn’t turn around, instead he hung his gloves up, and got a skipping rope from a hook on the wall.

  The scent of Todd pervaded the air, a little sweaty, but clean sweat so overtly masculine & mixed with whatever aftershave or deodorant made him smell like limes & salt spray. Jen felt her adrenaline spiking along with her heart rate as she waited to see what his next move would be. When the jitters got the better of her she backed away and sat on her butt in the corner.

  “Are you intending to keep up with this little show for me?”

  “Oh definitely; this is payback for you letting Ben have hair sex with you this morning.”

  “Excuse me,” she choked “did you just invent that term?”

  “Just telling it like it is, you were cheating on me and you know it. It looks pretty by the way, I think I like wild and curly better, suits your character more.”

  Todd began skipping on the spot and Jen was in trouble, this was so much better than watching all the Rocky training montages back to back. This was sound, smell and vision. He sped up the pace and yep there he did that thing, spinning the rope two handed side to side and jumping back into it, the rope and his feet flying. A thin trickle of sweat slid down his abdomen and disappeared into his navel. God what was wrong with her, she wanted to lick him.

  The luscious picture he presented had her flushed, heat and moisture began to pool between her thighs and her nipples peeked through her thin lacy bra and shirt. Jen’s lips parted unintentionally and she began fidgeting restlessly, her hands shifting up and down her legs.

  “Can I join in? I can’t go that fast but I used to love skipping as a kid.”

  “Sure, can you jump in?”

  She leapt to her feet in delight, Todd studied her with narrowed eyes while he slowed and jumped on the spot. Jen ducked her head a few times getting a feel for his rhythm, and then tucking her bad arm into her chest she jumped in and bounced in place next to him.

  “Cripes this is harder than I remembered,” she puffed a minute later. Her face was alight and Todd felt like his must look exactly the same, “You’re telling me,” Todd muttered as her breasts bounced in front of him.

  “I’ve been hula hooping lately to keep fit,” Jen puffed, “I can’t do it at the moment of course.” Then she tripped and fell into his chest and he pulled her to him in a tangle of ankles and jump rope.

  “That was so much fun,” she groaned, “but my ribs are killing me, have we made up yet?”

  “You’re not getting off that easily,” he was only half joking and his pupils widened expectantly as a thought occurred to him, “Come on I need a shower.” He yanked her by the arm and brought her round the back to what she’d not spotted before, an outdoor shower with the briefest wooden screen to protect the occupier’s modesty.

  Todd leaned in and turned the water on; it was powerful but only just lukewarm.

  “Stay back there you don’t want to get your arm wet,” he gently pushed her back behind the screen.

  “Now that night in the hospital bed the last time you were tormenting me, there was still one significant item of clothing I was wearing.”

  Next thing she knew he bent down and then his jogging bottoms slapped over the top of the screen right under her nose. She gulped then shocked herself by surrendering to the urge to peek down at what she could already see in her peripheral vision.

  Oh my goodness, there he was in all his glory.

  “Pass me the soap,” he demanded.

  Jen was rendered speechless. I mean she wasn’t a total moron she’d had an idea what to expect from books and stuff and the fact that on several occasions now she’d felt him up close and personal against her but hell if she’d pictured this?

  “Jen - the soap?”

  Todd smirked knowingly. His penis, and she was good at rough measurements, was by her estimation easily 9 inches long, currently at half mast and travelling upwards as leisurely as his voice.

  She handed him the soap which he was definitely capable of reaching himself, the bastard. Didn’t he know she was busy, busy being transfixed by the narrow path of dark hair descending from his navel travelling down between the sexy v cut oblique’s all arrowing down and blatantly pointing to his more than substantial appendage in its little shroud of brown curls.

  Her eyes flicked nervously between his face and his cock as if in disbelief, her stunned expression making him struggle to stifle the urge to laugh.

  “See anything you like, you look a little flushed there Jen?”

  Her voice came out hoarse and unsteady, “you fight dirty Todd, there is no way my little tactic was anywhere near as bad as this.”

  “You shouldn’t mess with the big boy’s babe, that mini strip you did through my bedroom this morning; that was nothing, my eyes were barely focused enough to see anything,” he smirked knowingly.

  It was no use she couldn’t take her eyes off it, she was amazed at both her lack of shame and fear. It seemed the most natural thing in the world to be stood there watching Todd leisurely wash himself, soaping himself thoroughly, everywhere, literally everywhere.

  All too soon he finished sluicing himself off and she sighed disappointed it was coming to a close.

  Todd turned off the water and hung his huge biceps over the screen, she reached up in slow motion and ran her fingers gently through his soaked hair. Her eyes were full of wonder while his twinkled wickedly as he wrinkled his brow so he could watch her hand caressing him.

  “We’re not even yet.”


  “Get round here.”


  Jen came round the screen in front of him; he was so deliciously damp and smelled of pear soap. She watched as her hands lifted of their own accord and splayed across his broad chest – trailing through the fine hairs they encountered, feathering along his collar bones and up the lines of his throat.

  Then he dropped his head and kissed her so sweetly, tilting her head back and sucking on her bottom lip. “I haven’t told you before how much I love this mouth,” his thumb drifted lazily over it. “I’ve been thinking a lot about your mouth since the first tim
e I got a good look at you.”

  Her lips parted in surprise at his sexy tone of voice and he continued, “That small perfectly formed rosebud, with lips just the right size for kissing, and your pretty cupids bow. I kept thinking what will that mouth look like around my cock?”

  “You did not!” She gasped, then flushed as pink as a flamingo.

  “You said you needed me to know what to do, well I think I’d like a little something from you if you’re game.”

  Jen shifted on her feet battling trepidation within her, “what do you want me to do?”

  Todd thought for a little minute trying to figure out how much temptation he could stand, “take your shirt off.”

  When with shaky fingers she unbuttoned and removed her blouse he realised his mistake, her brand new brilliant white bra was simple and sexy. “Lord you’ve got to admire a gay man’s taste in lingerie,” he sighed and with gentle pressure on her shoulders he pushed her to her knees.

  Jen looked up as Todd’s hands came to encompass either side of her jaw; he tilted her to look into his eyes, looking at her with such tenderness she wanted to cry.

  “Tell me what to do?” she asked quietly.

  “If you’re not scared and you want to try this - do whatever you feel like, if it doesn’t feel right I’ll tell you.”

  Jen gritted her teeth while she thought on the problem.

  “Jen do me a favour and don’t do that,” he grimaced.

  “What?” Then smiled when she caught his meaning, how did he do that, manage to make her anxiety melt away so easily?

  Jen inched her face closer to his groin and inhaled as she softly kissed his belly button. When he flinched and then relaxed she stroked a finger tentatively down his treasure trail.

  Using her gleaned knowledge from too many romance novels and the odd dodgy late night cable movie, she gingerly took the length of him in her hands and gently stroked up and down from base to tip, she felt triumphant when Todd expelled all the air in his lungs.

  Such funny looking things penises Jen thought, watching the veins throb and dipping her head she followed the pulse with the flat of her tongue. Todd removed her hands from his cock and placed them around his hips, then he encouraged her to lower them to his butt where she began squeezing and moulding it in her hands. Her progress only slightly hampered by the cast on her left hand.

  “I just love your butt cheeks, they are awesome,” he laughed at her and she joined in.

  “I know you do, I’ve caught you looking at them a time or two, that’s why I’ve put your hands there.”

  She nudged the length of him with her nose and with a little trepidation took the blunt end into her mouth, gingerly licking the salty fluid from his tip. She let it sit there a second or two enjoying the weight of it and then she tapped the underside with her tongue bouncing it gently, before allowing her mouth to slide down along the length of him.

  “Um,” she moaned softly, her eyes flicked up to gauge Todd’s expression, from the looks of it she was doing ok.

  After a few tentative glides she was aware she probably needed to take him further down her throat and didn’t want to spoil things by gagging, so carefully she relaxed her throat, swallowed and it worked.

  Todd gasped and slid deeper; Jen bathed the length of him with her tongue and then retreated, sucking firmly until he was free of her mouth. She looked up at him and spoke softly, “Todd, use your hands on my face, it’s the only way I’m sure I’m doing it right if you control it, don’t worry about me I want to try this.”

  She removed her good hand from his butt with regret, and then softly cupped the warm weight of his testicles the way men were supposed to like. With a ferocious grunt Todd slid back into her mouth, he scooped great handfuls of her hair up and held it against her jaw, then he thrust back inside her and she sucked down on him as hard as she could, the sensation was making her delirious.

  Todd was groaning huskily and grinding ever so gently into her face. Her mind flashed back to their first meeting, her fear and her stupidity and the excitement of him now controlling his pleasure, with her consent, all sought to drive her senseless. Then Jen remembered another little trick she’d read, she took one of the fingers stroking his balls and slid it behind his sac massaging his perineum and suddenly Todd went wild bucking into her.

  “Christ Jen, I’m going to come soon, you don’t need to swallow, let me out.”

  Her answer was to suck harder and then allow her teeth to gently scrape him, attacking furiously allowing him no retreat, she squeezed his balls just this side of too hard, and he yelled at her to look up, as soon as their eyes met, he came in a violent heated rush.

  Jen knew without a doubt she couldn’t have acted like this for anybody else but him, and the knowledge allowed her to swallow him down as if she’d been doing it for years. She was so immensely proud that she had brought him pleasure. She could feel Todd’s legs trembling and he leant his weight on the screen - leaning his arms over the top of her head, while trying to get his breath back under control.

  “Holy shit!”

  She looked up into his hazy green eyes and said huskily, “whatever we are Todd I’m scared shitless, I mean really shitless - but you make me want to try,” she giggled at herself, “god I can’t believe I just did that!”

  She released him and flopped back hard on her rump; her bottom getting wet from the shower tray and her pink face lit up with a beatific smile.

  “Are we ok now?” she asked relishing her success, feeling awestruck and all woman as she looked up at Todd towering over her still panting hard.

  “Definitely ok, but I feel like a heel. I didn’t plan this - I mean for our first time to be a blow job. I guess I got a bit carried away for a minute but that’s no excuse, Christ I really am sorry.”

  Todd’s hand reached down to her and pulled her to her feet, and then he retrieved her shirt and tenderly redressed her before kissing her long soft and deep. She yelped in surprise as he scooped her up under her bottom. Settling her legs around his waist, he laid hot languid kisses along her neck and then nipped the skin - suckling none too gently, purposely marking her for all to see.

  “That’s just so Ben knows not to get his hopes up.”

  As his heart rate settled he hugged Jen close to his chest and said, “You drive me crazy Jen,” then he gave her a smack on the fanny and dropped her saying, ”now get out of here so I can shower again, you’re driving me to distraction. Walk back that way and do it slowly so I can watch your ass and have something to look forward to later.”

  She made to leave and then turned a little nervously, “Was I ok Todd?”

  “Jen I was the one who wasn’t ok, you were mind blowing. I may need to borrow some of those books you’ve obviously been reading just so I can keep up.”

  Her whole face lit up again as she gave a cute satisfied chuckle and skipped off swaying her hips for his benefit.

  As she left and he watched her, Todd’s heart was hammering. It wasn’t ideal there was no way he’d planned for their first time to be her giving him oral sex, in the shower of all places, but he’d got carried away and she went along with it with barely a pause. For their mixed up relationship, it had seemed to work, he’d given her another dare and she’d gone for it.

  He’d practically been holding his breath when he got naked, waiting to see what her reaction would be and then when she’d not been able to take her eyes off his package well he knew he had her, and he couldn’t wait to see what more surprises she had hidden up her sleeve.


  When Jen made it back to the cabins, people had started to slink back for a late lunch; she wondered if anybody could tell what she’d been up to, she certainly felt different.

  Trust Sean, “Jen darling you look wonderful today.” He scrutinized her with a cool professionally trained eye, and his gaze lit on her neck. He gave her a lascivious wink at the same time nudging Sebastian to look closer, “been making up have we sweetheart?”

sp; Their blatant teasing didn’t seem to matter; Jen couldn’t keep the smile off her face.

  She headed into Bernie’s and helped Lily dish up and carry the food out, she was just sitting down when Todd walked over whistling, his hair still slick from the shower. He’d changed into shorts but was still bare-chested. Seb started fanning Sean, who feigned a swoon. Ignoring them, Todd bent and kissed Jen soundly on the lips and squeezed the back of her neck.

  “Oh yeah,” Jen thought, there was no way everybody here didn’t know something had shifted, but what the hell?

  Lunch passed in a pleasurable haze, Todd and she sat close together, his hand possessively on her leg. Almost a greater pleasure was sitting opposite Ben & Lily and seeing an easy companionship developing between them. Marsh & Bernie at opposite ends of the table kept sending glances each other’s way, communicating silently.

  When everybody had given lunch a chance to settle they had a botched attempt at a softball game, four against four. But given that nobody dared throw the ball with any speed at Jen, and Sean shrieked every time it came anywhere near him, and that Todd and Marsh were vastly better than all the rest of them put together the whole thing soon descended into a farce.

  Jen ended up laughing so hard she had to go lay down because her bones were so sore, before she knew it the activities of the last 24hrs or so caught up to her and she fell into a deep sleep.

  Back outside Marshall came to sit by his son, “How’s it going?”

  “It’s fine dad, I think it’s going to be just fine.”

  “You look happy together, the two of you.”

  Todd just smiled; “Well don’t cock it up son I think she’s lovely, you’ve had dubious taste in the past, beautiful but wimpy types.”

  Todd made to argue and then had to shut up because he agreed so Marsh continued, “when I first saw her in person I thought oh she’s sweet and shy and was a bit worried she’d be another needy one then I remembered what I saw on TV and saw her messing with your head at breakfast, that’s not a girl lacking backbone.”