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- Fletcher, Peyton
Blooming Page 13
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Page 13
I’ll see you in the morning. I’m going to leave the door unlatched - you’re safe in this building, just don’t try to do anything too difficult until I get here, do you promise?”
She nodded, deep in a sleepy sensual fug.
“Jen?” her eyes flicked open again.
“I’m warning you early because I know you need time to get used to certain things, so here it comes.” He paused not just for dramatic effect but because he wanted to choose his words carefully. “This thing that’s happening, between us – it’s serious and it feels long term, it feels like falling in love.”
He said it softly, and then he was gone before she could really process what she’d heard.
Jen woke up at 7 the next morning; she was amazed she’d managed to sleep at all.
Last night the most handsome man she’d ever seen had told her, actually she wasn’t sure what he’d told her but it sort of implied he had feelings for her and hoped she had feelings for him or something like that. She squirmed inside, then gave herself a pinch, how had that happened, not to mention she’d had another seriously sexual experience.
She buried herself under her covers and thrummed her heels into the mattress, half in delight and half nervous stress. Getting up she caught sight of herself in the closet mirror, her hair still looked immaculate but there was something different about her face - a new glow to her. She hazarded a guess it might be what a growing confidence looks like.
Jen mooched about making toast and coffee, turning her computer on to catch up on her work emails, she’d just about finished when swarthy dark Sean burst through her front door, and she groaned.
Todd says you’ve to come down to his place; he’s been on the phone all morning and can’t get away.
“I’m not dressed yet,”
“Duh,” Sean said. “Got any saran wrap?”
“Yes,” she replied tentatively.
“Then let’s wrap that cast like a leftover chicken then you can get a shower, carefully of course. I don’t mind dressing you sweetie but I sure ain’t washing you.”
After she’d suffered Sean’s help and managed a shower, she threw on her white dress, the one she’d worn for her 2nd doorstep date.
The pair of them went downstairs and Sean charged in uninvited.
Seb was already there lounging on the couch, he got up to kiss Jen on the cheek, “Seb do you know who paid Marguerite yesterday?” she whispered.
Seb smiled, “it was mine and Sean’s treat.”
“What? Why?”
“Jen I don’t want you to fuss about it, you need to know that Sean had been struggling to motivate himself for a year before you came along. He’s been flapping about like a headless chicken, and I’ve had to support him financially which has driven him mad, not that it matters to me.
The minute you arrived things changed, I got my boyfriend back and since the other night when the shit hit the fan he’s been inundated with calls with people wanting to commission outfits from him. Sean has made you more dresses and he will want to treat you and cosset you - it’s the best way he knows to express his affection for people.”
“Besides the pair of us knew you’d never pay 500 bucks for a cut.”
Jen sucked in a gasp, “No I wouldn’t.”
Todd came though from his bedroom, the phone glued to his ear.
His face sparked to life as he spotted her and he beckoned with a finger, touching his cheek to indicate where he wanted a kiss. She complied and his arm came round her and held her close while he continued his conversation.
“Marty, neither of us wants to give an interview; this whole thing isn’t about what happened in the restaurant, what’s important is that the guy was caught not how he was caught.”
Jen couldn’t catch what was said on the other end.
“Yeah well it doesn’t matter how much money they’re offering. I gotta go, just see if you can make it disappear for me will you? OK bye.”
“Trouble?” she asked.
“The press are circling, Marty is my old PR guy he’s going to see if he can feed them a small bone and get rid of them. The cops called too and asked me to bring you in to give your statement, make sure you back up Ben’s story.”
“Oh great.”
“It’ll be fine.”
“What about Lily isn’t she going to have to come back?”
“Eventually - but for now the police have id’s from the other victims, they’ve been good enough to not see the point in dragging her back while they’ve enough evidence to plough through for the time being.”
“Now I’ve delivered sleeping beauty, we’re going to head out for coffee guys, catch you later,” Sean said.
Jen stopped him and whispered in his ear, “Thank you for my hair.”
Sean gave her a genuine smile, different to one of his usual sarcastic ones, but then it quickly flipped back. “Well somebody had to do something about it so you’re welcome sweetie, it looks good on you.”
Seb winked at her over the top of his head and the pair left arm in arm.
Todd walked over and turned her around to face him, “I never got a proper good morning Jennifer,” he said softly his mossy eyes twinkling at her.
“No you didn’t.”
“I don’t have a footstool I’m afraid.”
“Oh,” she looked about distracted, seeing if there was anything else that would do.
“Guess I’ll have to go with option 2 then,” next thing strong hands had scooped under her bottom and he lifted her to his waist with ease, cupping the cheeks of her butt and squeezing gently.
A startled laugh shot out of her, “Hi,” she said stroking his gorgeous floppy hair back off his face, and initiating a soft open mouthed kiss, she was tentative but growing in confidence.
“I like this dress very much,” he said.
“I’m just glad it’s stretchy,” she laughed and playfully kicked her heels against the backs of his thighs.
“Ohhh you want to mess with me little girl?” he growled mock seriously, pinching her bottom and eliciting a squeak from her.
“Todd, I don’t understand what’s happening, but how I can be with you like this, it’s a real gift to me. You’ll never understand how big a deal this is – what it means to me.”
The sincerity in her eyes rendered him speechless, her trust and openness with him was something he’d never experienced with another woman. She made him feel he was the only man in the world, it was pretty new and intoxicating, and it made him gulp.
The phone rang distracting them both, “it’s one of the detectives handling the case,” he sighed - checking the display. “We better get this over with.”
Todd was pretty ticked off, first they’d been kept waiting thirty minutes, then this jerk that had attempted to put the thumbscrews to him a couple of nights ago had openly flirted with his Jennifer.
Dismissing his presence as unnecessary Detective Brader had whisked Jen off with his hand guiding her lower back, and the bastard had given him a smug glance over his shoulder as they went.
This was one of the reasons he didn’t walk round reliving his glory days, it got tiring having cretins like this constantly trying to prove their masculinity, by taking him on either physically or mentally. The only fact keeping his anger in check was he knew Jen was impervious to the jerk’s attentions.
They returned an hour later Jen had identified Lorenson aka Fitzpatrick from his mug shot and given a statement. Like Todd had days ago she had also received a verbal warning as to her future conduct in public.
Jen’s face was a picture of comical confusion as they returned and Brader’s hand was on her waist. She saw Todd and smiled, infinitely relieved to see him. “Anyway Miss Harris, if you need to get in touch with me here’s my card, I’ve written my home number on the back.”
That bastard Todd thought, his fingers clenching as he watched Brader slip his card into Jen’s hand, leavin
g his thumb pressing on her palm just a fraction too long.
Todd butted in, “That’s OK Detective, I think I have your number if necessary.” His steely face betraying the true definition of his meaning.”
Jen detached herself from Brader and went to Todd putting an arm round his waist and her fingers through the belt loop of his jeans in a casual gesture of familiarity. He felt his body relax as he realised she was doing this purely to soothe his ego.
“Have a nice day, detective.” Todd gave Brader a whole load of smug right back at him, while guiding Jen out the door with his hand on her ass.
She grinned up at him full of mischief and stepped out into the sun. “He was flirting with me, can you believe that? He’s in the middle of a rape investigation and he thinks it’s ok to flirt with the witnesses.”
“How did you feel about that – the flirting I mean?”
“I wasn’t encouraging him if that’s what you think,” she said indignantly.
“No I mean, you handled it, it didn’t seem to freak you out – before you’d have been like a deer in the headlights or at least you were with me.”
The conversation was interrupted by a burst of camera flashes and microphones were suddenly shoved under their noses.
“I think I might freak out now if that’s ok with you.”
Chapter 11
“Miss Harris do you have any comment on your capture of the internet rapist?”
“Mr Baker what’s the nature of your relationship with Jen, is it true you’re living together?”
“Mr Baker, Brian Jessup from Bloomington Live,” a voice said shoving another mike their way. Christ the TV was here as well as the papers.
“No comment,” Todd growled.
“Mr Baker, how is your sister, we’ve been unable to reach her for interview?”
“Too damn right leave her alone.”
“Jennifer is it true you’re carrying Todd’s baby?”
The gutter press had arrived, “chance would be a fine thing,” Todd muttered under his breath. “No comment,” he roared and with that he thrust them through the crowd of press and flagged down a passing cab.
Todd looked at Jen, concern in his eyes because she’d gone very white. She dropped her head to her knees and he massaged the back of her neck, “don’t let them follow us home Todd,” she muttered.
“I’m sorry baby; I’ve a feeling that bastard cop let them know we’d be there, maybe that’s why he had us cooling our heels for so long, they’ll get fed up of us sooner or later and find something else to write about.”
“I don’t like it at all,” she said breathing heavily, she still hadn’t sat up and he could hear that tone in her voice that she’d had when they’d first met, like she would make an excuse and run at any minute.
They got home via a circuitous route to throw the snoops off and the phone was ringing as he guided a wrung out Jen through his front door.
He rushed to catch it and a familiar voice said, “Todd, are you ok?”
“Lily, it’s good to hear your voice, how you doing honey?”
Jen’s head came up and he brought the phone over to her so she could listen in.
“I’m not too bad, a lot better since Seb first called us from the hospital to tell us what was happening. Mom’s here with me; pictures of you and Jen just flashed up on the news, she looks really pretty.”
Jen blushed.
“Oh heck you’re in for it now,” Lily said, next thing sounds of the phone being wrestled from her came down the line, “Todd?”
“Hi Mom,”
“Todd I think you should come back home for a couple of days, I know you just got back there but with all that’s happened and all this being on TV I’d like my family all in one place. All this press attention it’s crazy even here at home.”
“I know mom, I’m trying to keep our heads down, truly.”
“Come home honey I need to see for myself that you’re ok and I want to meet this girl you’re seeing too. Better yet we can all go out to the cabins and just relax, take the pressure off. What do you say?”
Jen’s heart was beating up a storm.
Todd paused he was trying to decipher the look on her face and decide which was the safest course of action; meeting his family was bound to be a big issue for her.
He put his hand over the mouthpiece, “do you trust me?” he asked fixing her with a look.
There was the rub - wasn’t this what she was doing? Trusting Todd, it was scary and exhilarating but hadn’t he always looked after her? She’d have to say the answer was yes.
Jen bit her lip almost hard enough to draw blood and nodded at him.
We’ll meet you at the cabins in a couple of days, I want to bring Sean and Seb out too if they can get away.”
“That’s a great idea we’ll head out there tomorrow and get things organised. Hang on a minute Lily wants the phone back.”
“Todd?” Lily’s voice came back, “is Jen with you?”
He smiled, “yes how did you know?”
“Well you just looked pretty close on TV, it looked like you weren’t going to let her out of your sight anytime soon.”
Jen smiled despite herself, it was such a pleasure to hear Lily sounding more normal.
“Put her on.”
Jen took the receiver with trepidation.
“Hi Jen, I’m glad your coming, you’ll love the cabins it’s such a happy place, plus if Sean and Seb come it deflects people from fussing over me all the time. The more people that go the better it will be for you too, less interrogation from the oldies.”
“OK, I don’t think I have much choice,” she said
Todd nodded his head agreeing with her.
“Will you see if Ben can come?”
“Ben? Oh, of course that’s a good idea, how big is this place anyway, how’s it going to fit all these people?
“You’ll see,” Lily said.
Two days later, the motley crew arrived at Herrington Lake, Kentucky in two hired SUV’s, Jen & Todd in one and Sean, Seb & Ben in the other. When Jen quizzed Todd about not having his own car he simply said he preferred rentals, that way he was always driving a new car, better yet if he could go on foot somewhere that’s what he preferred.
Jen and Ben had both made tense company for their travelling companions on the drive out. Jen at the prospect of meeting Todd’s parents and Ben because he was getting his head messed up trying to figure out how to act around Lily.
The cabin’s consisted of three single story log buildings dotted around the grassy lake shore with their own dock, Jen thought it was about the most beautiful spot she’d ever seen and she knew Lily was right you couldn’t help but feel better here, like all your problems were simpler.
Todd came round and helped Jen out of the car. Her ribs were already feeling a lot better and her ease of movement almost back to normal, but he’d grown very fond of making sure she felt cosseted.
The cars had no sooner driven up than the middle cabin’s door opened and Lily ran out in shorts and a t shirt; she gave Todd a quick hug and then caught Jen in an embrace that nearly stole her breath away, “thank you Jen, thank you so much for what you did,” she whispered in her ear.
“Careful with her she’s still got lots of bruises,” Todd laughed.
Jen was relieved to see Lily looking a lot better and sporting a light tan, as she returned the girl’s hug she realised Lily had spotted the boys over her shoulder and felt the taller girl stiffen slightly.
Ben definitely looked good, Jen thought. All dirty blond and stubbly and pretty hunky without his coffee shop uniform, he walked up to Lily and gave her a soft hi and leaned in to kiss her cheek. “Thanks for inviting me.”
She smiled shyly at him before she was swamped by Sean and Seb, Sean almost barrelling Ben out of the way in order to get to her.
Jen smiled at them all feeling content at the happy scene and then heat coursed through her palm as a strong grip encompassed her h
and and tugged, “Come see where we’re staying.”
She followed Todd who was single-handedly managing both of their bags, he cracked open the door of the left hand cabin and sighed happily, “This is ours.”
“Just ours?” Jen gulped, “just you and me?”
“Yep - Mom, Dad and Lily share the middle one, and the boys are in the end cabin.”
“Is your mom ok with us sharing?”
“Well I suspect she knows I haven’t been a virgin in quite some time.”
Jen shifted on her feet uncomfortable at his choice of words and he could have kicked himself.
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” he said tilting her chin up.
“Is there more than one bed in here?” she asked, casting her eye around the space.
“No we’re sharing.”
“Oh boy,” she shivered.
He smiled and she felt her toes curl up, hell he was such heaven to look at, “stop thinking again, I’ve got it all in hand, come and meet my folks.”
Hand in hand, they entered the middle cabin and Jen rebounded in shock when a huge shadow crossed the room to them.
Crikey holy hell and she thought Todd was big. A deep bass laugh greeted her shocked expression, obviously he was used to having this effect on women and a big hand came out and shook hers.
“Jennifer Harris, this is my dad Marshall,” Todd laughed.
If Todd said he was six three, then by her reckoning Marshall had to be at least six five and built every bit like Todd, except he was blond and blue eyed, sort of an even more gorgeous Robert Redford if he’d been a football player not an actor.
“Good to meet you sir.” Jen felt like a munchkin beside the two of them, they took up so much space she didn’t see his mom approach at first.
“Jennifer I’m so glad you could come, I’m Bernadette but please call me Bernie.” She was swept up into a hug, and for a minute she tensed up, struggling to deal with the unexpected physical contact. She wasn’t good at interpreting the correct social greeting for any given situation so instead she simply forced her body to relax and accepted the hug.