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Blooming Page 11

  Todd however was in hell. Christ almighty he thought to himself, masturbating furiously in the toilet stall. Faster and harder he stroked and pumped himself until he came hard enough to scream blue murder, and relief poured out of him in a hot rush. He sank back against the toilet door, sweat bathing him from top to toe.

  Weakly he flushed and went to the sinks where he used paper towels and cool water to clean himself. He stayed a good ten minutes until he was sure he was back in control and then he padded back to Jen’s room barefoot.

  Mercifully she’d fallen back asleep, laid on her right side - facing the middle of the bed, just where he’d left her. He studied her for a minute, in repose she was so delicate but she had reserves of strength she wasn’t even aware of.

  When he’d caught her fist in the restaurant for a split second he’d thought she’d gone crazy, thought her fear and panic problems must be some kind of an actual mania until recognition of the situation kicked in. It was only later cooling his heels in the police interview room that he thought about the righteous anger and courage that carried her across that restaurant to avenge his sister. That took guts, even if they were sub-conscious guts.

  He got in the bed and lay with his back to her.

  Jen’s knees automatically lifted into him and she spooned close into his back sighing softly. Todd reached behind and lifted her cast around him, holding it against his midriff protectively. Then he fell into an exhausted slumber.

  By 5 o’clock in the morning Todd had to abandon the bed and attempt to sleep in the hard chair, twice he’d woken up to find Jen’s fingers stroking his cock to distraction whilst she remained completely fast asleep.

  The first time he’d removed her arm and tucked it behind him again, but not ten minutes passed before there it was again, the fact she had the cast on her hand made it worse increasing the weight and friction as she stroked him. When she finally gave him a hard squeeze that made him nearly come in his shorts he gave up.

  When he blearily opened his eyes an hour or so later Jen was awake and smiling at him tiredly, “God I hope I don’t look as bad as you?”

  “Oh you do, you have panda eyes and your hair? You kinda look like mid 80’s Ozzy Osborne on a bad day.”

  She scowled and threw her pillow at him, wincing at the movement she’d made without thinking of her bruised ribs.

  “Did you have sweet dreams?” he quizzed, scrutinizing her to see if she’d been aware at all of what her hands had been up to.

  She screwed up her face trying to remember, “a bit weird really, you were in it and you’d taken me to a crocodile farm and for some reason you were making me pet a baby alligator even though it kept trying to bite me.”

  Todd choked on his own spit as he scowled at her sleepy face, no she wasn’t teasing him she was genuinely innocent.


  A couple of hours later and the doctor had made his rounds and cleared Jen to leave. Sean and Seb arrived with some clothes, although Sean was obviously in pain at having brought her sweatpants and one of her hoodies to put on. “I don’t know how you can wear such crap Jen really.”

  Todd had to help her get dressed, further torturing his frayed nerve ends when he had to fasten her bra for her and then keeping his eyes firmly closed while he knelt at her feet to help her step into bikini briefs and pants.

  She was having great trouble bending and it suddenly struck him that somebody was going to have to help her for at least a few days until her ribs healed. He groaned to himself when he considered days and days of close physical proximity with no relief in sight and he wondered if Lily would we be up to coming home yet, to help out.

  When she was finally dressed, Sean came back in the room. “At least you won’t have to worry about your hair soon Jen. I just got off the phone with Marguerite - she’s back from her vacation and she’ll come to the apartment at 4 o’clock today to cut your hair. She doesn’t do that for just anybody, but she’s very impressed with your new found internet fame and thinks you deserve some pampering. You’ll have to find a way to wash your hair before she arrives though.

  Jen sighed, it was good news she supposed, her hair definitely needed sorting and she was going to struggle more than ever with it now she was temporarily disabled.

  When she was ready, Seb scoped out the corridor. The coast was clear for the time being and the four of them slid out to the elevator and took a ride down to the morgue. Sean reached in his jacket pocket and inexplicably pulled out two pairs of sunglasses. He smiled into her big quizzical eyes and popped a set on her face. “Just in case of paparazzi baby.”

  He waved the other pair at Todd, who brushed them away smiling.

  He nodded towards Seb, she looked over and laughed, he had shades on too, “we’re really not famous you know.”

  “Jennifer - for Bloomington - we’re famous.”

  When the elevator stopped Todd led them out to the rear exit where the coroners van was in the process of bringing a body in. “I made at least one friend last night,” he indicated the cop car waiting for them, “let’s go home.”

  Arriving back at the apartment was the weirdest thing. So much had happened since she was last home it almost felt like Todd should carry her over the threshold or something.

  Sean and Seb gave her a big hug and left to go upstairs, Sean promising to bring down the seven custom dresses he’d already made for her - once she was feeling less sore.

  Todd mooched about her apartment looking uncomfortable.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  “I don’t know, everything feels great and really weird at the same time.”

  She breathed easier, “I feel exactly the same.”

  “I need to stay here with you for a few days,” it wasn’t a question and she cocked an eyebrow at him.

  “Don’t look at me like that, you’re going to struggle until you’re less bruised and even then you’re going to probably need help getting washed and stuff.” He ran a hand through his already rumpled hair.

  “I guess so, but you don’t have to.”

  “I know I don’t.”

  “Would you mind running a bath for me then, I feel stinky.”

  Todd trundled off and started running the taps. He put a good slug of bubble bath in and when the bath was ready, he called her through, steeling himself for his next torture.

  “OK I’ve seen you in your underwear a few times now so let’s just get your top and pants off without an argument, and then I’ll unfasten your bra and leave you to the rest.”

  “You say the sweetest things Todd.”

  He grunted and took hold of her sweater and eased it over her arms and head. Forgetting to avert his eyes this time, he gasped when he got his first proper look at her ribs. They were a mix of vivid red and bluish purple, and the sight was so bad he forgot to sneak a quick peek at her breasts.

  “Oh shit,” he said in mortification.

  “It’s nothing Todd, I did it to myself, just forget it.”

  Todd scowled and hooked his thumbs in her sweatpants and lowered them down. He realised his first mistake when he got an eyeful of her new lace bikini briefs that were see through enough to see her curly dark brown landing strip.

  There was an audible gulp and neither of them could tell who’d done it.

  “Alright turn around and I’ll unhook you, then I’m getting out of here while I still can.”

  The minute he was done he hared out of the bathroom.

  Jen eased herself in taking care to hang her arm out the side of the bath, it was awkward washing one handed and for the first time she was really glad she’d agreed to be waxed, at least she didn’t have to worry about shaving for a bit. When she’d been in a while Todd knocked gently. “Are you going to wash your hair in the bath?” he called through the door.

  “No I have to wash it in clean water.” It was then looking about that she realised how tricky that was going to be.

  When the water started cooling she reluctantly got out of the bat
h and scooped the towel from the sink where Todd had left it for her.

  She walked out of the bathroom into the bedroom to grab a robe. She swore under her breath trying to manoeuvre her arms into the holes but eventually she managed it.

  She padded through to the living room; Todd was sat on her couch watching TV. He smiled at her, “you look better already.”

  “I’m sorry but you’ll have to help me wash my hair.”

  “I figured that already.” Standing, he grabbed one of the couch cushions and took her hand leading her back into the bathroom. “It’s going to be damn uncomfortable for both of us but here goes,” he said opening the cubicle door.

  “Kneel down there and put the cushion on your lap, if you press your chest down into it that should help your ribs.” She did as she was told and next thing Todd was stood with his feet either side of her hips, leaning over her to get the shower hose.

  “I really should have tried to get a brush through my hair first this is going to be a nightmare,” she complained.

  “Right let’s get going,” he passed her a towel and she covered her left arm and used the end of it to shield her eyes.

  He lifted the mass of her hair up and over her head and got the water going. As soon as it was warm enough he gently soaked her hair. “Can you hold the shower head with your right hand, save me turning it off while I shampoo you?” she nodded.

  She heard the bottle squirt and then his hands were in her scalp massaging and little moans of pleasure came out of her mouth.

  “Er Jen you need to stop doing that, the position I’m in here is a bit inflammatory. It may be the back of your head I’m looking at but that’s still your head between my legs when all’s said and done.”

  The next moan squelched in her throat pretty quickly.

  “Todd what are you using, that doesn’t smell like my shampoo.” The words were no sooner out of her mouth than Todd yanked her scalp, hard enough to make her eyes water.

  “Ouch, holy crap,” she spluttered, shocked. “What did you do that for?”

  “Shit, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to. You’re going to kill me.”

  “Why what’s wrong?”

  “My damn pinky ring is stuck fast in your hair.”

  “What,” she cried.

  “I’m serious, somehow your hair has gotten twisted around my ring and it’s all fused together. Hang on a second - let me turn off the water, he managed it just as Jen dropped the shower head in a panic.

  “Todd, let me see the bottle you used.”

  Awkwardly he leaned over her and blindly shoved it in front of her face, “Aw, Todd that’s my biodegradable shower cleaner.”


  “Just pull the ring off!” Jen said while trying not to panic. She was starting to shiver and she needed to shift position because she could feel pins and needles in her feet.

  Todd was breathing heavily standing over her. “It’s an old keepsake I found last week, I tried it on and couldn’t get it back off, hang on,” he checked his watch. “Sean’s friend will be here in an hour, pass that towel and I’ll try to dry your hair one handed.”

  He managed to sop up the worst of the wet with his left hand and then tried to decide what to do.

  “You’re going to have to get me through to the living room, there’s scissors in there. I can’t have you stuck to my head for an hour,” she yelled.

  “I don’t want to cut it out, it’s a big chunk near your forehead. It’s gonna be noticeable.”

  “Todd I have to move, like right now. I’m getting cramp and I don’t think I can walk.”

  “Shit, I can’t pick you up like this because I’d need to grab you round the middle. You’re going to have to shuffle and I’ll walk backwards in front of you to the living room. Go slow so I don’t pull your hair any more than I have to.”

  In a very surreal moving tableau, Jen followed Todd out of the bathroom on all fours trying not to put weight on her left arm. She couldn’t help thinking it must look like some weird BDSM scene from those romance novels she’d been reading too many of lately.

  When they reached the front room Todd stopped, trying to work out his next move. The sight of Jen’s head bent near his knees with her robe gaping in places, his hand in a weird pose looking like he was pressing down on her head - had all combined and shot a bolt of lust to his dick and he didn’t know what the hell to do about it.

  Jen made the mistake of sitting upright and her eyes met his groin face on.

  “Oh good grief,” she gasped.

  “It doesn’t help when you look at it like that,” he moaned.

  “Right how can we sit comfortably enough to get through the next hour without killing each other?” she swallowed nervously as his jeans pulsed in front of her.

  “Don’t swallow for god’s sake you’re making it worse.”

  “Look Todd, I’m not enjoying this much either. I’ve got rug burn on my kneecaps on top of everything else now.”

  She gave it careful thought before she said, “maybe we should call Sebastian for help?”

  “No way, I’ve given them enough ammunition lately to torment the life out of me for months.”

  “Is the apartment door unlocked?” Jen asked.

  “Yes I think so,”

  “Then all we need to do is get as comfortable as possible for the next hour until Marguerite arrives.”

  He gave it a minute’s thought, “Right, I’m going to sit on the sofa over here and then you can stretch out on your back with your head in my lap.” He groaned inwardly at the implications.

  “Yeah that’s going to work out just fine,” she replied sarcastically.

  Todd edged backwards and sat back on the sofa. His right hand firmly attached to her head, he used his left to ease her off the floor. Once she was up on the sofa, she pushed her face into his stomach and stretched her legs out, and then her whole body started vibrating.

  “Jeepers, what now,” he said, tilting her head away from him.

  Tears were rolling down her face as she laughed right from her belly; a loud snort came from her as she tried to rein herself in when she saw his agonised face.

  “Well I’m glad you think it’s funny, I’ve got the hard on from hell here.”

  “Oh Todd, it’s not funny really, but if anybody had ever told me I would be this close to a gorgeous guy with a massive erection and all I could do was giggle, there is no way in hell I would have believed them. Scared to death, full on hyperventilation that I would believe, but yet here I am and do you know what I’m laughing. Still scared shitless but I’m ok, and that’s down to you, you make me think I can do anything even though you can’t tell shampoo from shower cleaner.”

  Todd’s anger dissipated and Jen was filled with affection when his face went all school-boy soft and cute.

  He stroked her jaw gently as he looked at her, “hmm, you just say the nicest things sometimes. I especially like your use of the word massive. I don’t seem to be able to stay annoyed with you for any length of time, but for god’s sake stop laughing - you’re jiggling all over me.”


  “So how are we going to kill an hour then, I probably should have put the TV on before we sat down.”

  She looked up into his emerald green eyes, “I must look a mess.”

  “Do you want me to be honest? I accept full responsibility for your current disarray and may I say my dick doesn’t seem to mind it in the slightest.”

  The rosy flush that instantly suffused Jen’s cheeks gave him a buzz.

  Forty minutes later, still locked together, they stumbled to press the outer door buzzer before lurching back to the couch. A cheery knock came at the door and a breezy greeting burst forth, as a ball of Spanish lusciousness bounced inside the room.

  “Hola, Margarita está aquí para trabajar su magia..... Holy shit!” the tiny powerhouse exclaimed as she caught sight of them, “Sean warned me it was bad but Madre de Dios!”

  Gesticulating at Todd, she ex
claimed when she saw his soapy hand wrapped in Jen’s hair.

  Rummaging in the vast tote bag she had hauled in, she advanced on them where they perched on the couch. “Así antes de empezar que va a tener que tener flequillo, ¿qué coño ha lavaba el pelo en, ay ay ay.”

  Todd and Jen didn’t have a clue what she was saying but that seemed beside the point as Marguerite peered over the top of Jen’s head and registered that Todd was actually bonded to her. She screeched in alarm and slapped Todd hard over the back of the head.

  “Ouch,” he cried.

  “Señor por encima de salvarme el culo de los hombres mudos.”

  “Aha, I know that bit; she just called me a dumb ass.” Todd growled, “will you please speak English, I’m sure you can.”

  “Sorry I forget sometimes, I speak Spanish mostly when I am really angry.”

  She studied his ring finger, “now before I can even get a good look at your novio here I can see I’m going to have to cut bangs into her hair whether I want to or not. Do you know what that does to an artist like me? It does not please me Senor.”

  She pulled Todd’s finger up until Jen thought she would scream from the pain. There was a brief flash of blades and Todd was free - he gently lifted Jen off his lap and set her on her feet. He looked at her there in her pink fluffy gown, tangled bicarbonate of soda hair, flushed face, and as crazy as she looked, he knew he was a goner, probably had been from day one.

  “I’m going to leave you ladies to it. I’m going to go find some metal cutters to get this damn hairy ring off my finger.”

  He bent to Jen and kissed her long and soft, open-mouthed and yet deliciously chaste, then he turned to Marguerite. “Don’t cut too much off, I like it long. Just tame it a bit ok?”

  “No me digas qué hacer, obtener su lindo trasero fuera de ella antes de que me siento tentado a golpearla con el pie para usted.” Marguerite hollered.

  “I’m going - I think she was just casting more aspersions on my butt!”

  15 minutes later and after another session of hair washing with Marguerite, she was sat on her couch with a hot towel on her head while an intensive conditioner permeated her abused hair. Marguerite was proving to be lively company and had soon begun fussing over her, plying her with a glass of wine and propping her feet on the footstool that had so many fond memories for her now.